8 Reasons to Use Wireless Conference Room Technology…
8 Reasons to Use Wireless Conference Room Technology to Supercharge Meetings Today.
Conference rooms, the semi-exclusive rooms that most office workers get invited to as a way to brainstorm ideas and exchange information. While the structure of meetings starts out with good intentions, a meeting can easily descend into a productivity sinkhole if not properly organized. While problems with bad meetings can range from poor organization to bad preparation, one of the least talked about problems is technology. We have long been conditioned to the plug and play nature of the tethered meeting room. You usually arrive with a laptop in hand, then find the appropriate cable to plug the projector to your laptop when it’s your turn to present. It is a dated technology that we shall strive to breakthrough.
Today, we want to share with you the top 8 reasons to upgrade to a wireless conference room solution and improve productivity.
What is the wireless conference room?
Wireless conference room is a meeting room where attendees can connect and display presentation material to the projector wirelessly, without plugging a cable into a laptop or a smartphone. Ideally, the local WiFi signal is strong and reliable, to allow both static images and videos to be transmitted to the big screen smoothly, without lag or stutter. The absence of a cable connection shall enable a BYOD workplace, where meeting presenters can display content from any laptop or smartphone easily and reliably.
After knowing what a wireless conference room is, here are 8 great reasons to switch over to wireless technologies and supercharge your meetings today.
1. Eliminate the need to use cables
Isn’t it annoying to play that “hunt for the HMDI cable” game every time you walk into the meeting room? Even when you find the HDMI cable, the presenter is usually restricted to a specific seat due to the length of the cable available. It is also a huge waste of time to debug connection issues when either there is a faulty connection between the HDMI plugs or you simply don’t have the right port, HDMI, VGA, or whatever a Mac uses, at the time, to connect to the projector. By switching to a wireless presentation system, you get rid of all the video cables and connect your device to the projector wirelessly. And it works.
2. Free the IT team from mundane maintenance work
Study the work habits of your IT team next time you’re in the office. You’ll find they are constantly busy with repetitive, mundane, housekeeping jobs like sorting out the AV system in a meeting room. It’s easy to point fingers at the presenters for not learning the ports and connectors on their laptops before a meeting starts. But debugging the myriad of problems that can cause a bad connection between a laptop and the projector requires IT expertise. Sourcing all the different types of HDMI and VGA adaptors and keeping them available is also a waste of IT talent. These are all the simple maintenance problems that can be eliminated once and for all by upgrading to a wireless conference room. This way, you can free up your IT team for higher leverage work, such as building more reliable networks and implement more productivity software solutions.
3. Reduce the clutter in your conference rooms
One of the most annoying things about stray cables is they are ugly to look at. By keeping stock of all the different HDMI, VGA and other cables to match your hardware, it becomes a hassle to allocate storage spaces, and design cable trays, to hide cables. If the cables are not stored properly, they can become trip hazards and also subject to wear-and-tear as you pull, bend, untangle cables to make presentations in meetings. A simple wireless presentation system can make your conference rooms tidier and bigger by eliminating the need to store cabling equipment.
4. Let everyone work with their favorite smart devices
Different operating systems lead to different hardware compatibility. If the meeting room projector system was built with Windows machines in mind, it’s likely that Mac users will have a hard time contributing. You heat this all the time, “We don’t have the right cable that works with Mac, so you have to bring your own adaptor.” While the traditional tethered projector system is built for laptops, a wireless conference room can allow smartphone-users to participate in making presentations.
A true cross-platform meeting room solution is compliant with all the major wireless display protocols, such as Miracast, AirPlay Screen Mirroring and Google Cast. So you can use the native wireless screen mirroring protocols to make wireless presentations from your favorite smart devices. This makes meeting room presentation as democratic as possible, allowing everyone to put their best device forward.
5. Set up presentations in seconds
When we think about modern technology, we expect both sophistication and convenience in equal measures. What is the point of the wireless presentation if it cannot be switched on and off like a light switch? The best wireless conference room technologies on the market can support native wireless display protocols from Windows, macOS laptops, iPhone and Android. This way, you don’t need to install additional apps to connect to the wireless meeting room. Whenever you need to make a presentation from your iPhone, simply press a button and start talking.
6. Visualize data with greater clarity
Difficult decisions require insights to make. With a projector receiving content from a single source, it is difficult to display all the information to attendees. Therefore wireless presentation receivers that can accept multiple sources can be very useful in comparing data side by side in split-screen mode. The split-screen mode allows up to four laptops or smartphones to screen share numbers and charts to the big screen in real-time. This is definitely the best way to present decision-makers with the big picture, to make sure every meeting concludes with critical follow up actions.
7. Encourage collaboration among attendees
Dropbox, Google Drive, Slack, Trello, etc. Workplace productivity has been improved 10x with the help of cloud-based software. So it is only logical to integrate wireless meeting solutions with cloud-based collaboration tools. When meeting attendees connect to the wireless display receiver, their devices become the presentation viewer and allow them to take notes in real-time. The meeting minutes can be shared across Dropbox, Google Drive to collaborate with other team members. This way, everyone stays on the same page.
8. Reduce the cost of setting up multi-screen systems
If the conference room is designed to accommodate a large crowd, sometimes it is difficult for every member of the audience to see the presenter. A few inconvenient pillars or a tall colleague in the front row are all it takes to prevent anyone from seeing the presentation in full. Therefore it is logical to invest in a multi-screen system to cover all the angles in the conference venue. The cost of a traditional multi-screen setup scales up quickly with the size of the venue, with the length of HDMI cables the main culprit. In comparison, the cost of a wireless multi-screen setup only depends on the number of screens, rather than the size of the room.
After all, each monitor requires a wireless receiver, and all the receivers are interconnected through WiFi, not cables. This is a great way to significantly reduce the equipment cost for broadcasting to multiple screens in a big lecture theater. Now you know all the best reasons for upgrading to a cutting-edge wireless presentation solution, you might want to check out EZCast Pro and QuattroPod wireless conference room technologies for the best performance and user experience, without breaking the bank.
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