AllCall RIo Wants to Release Limited Custom Edition Smartphone
Since its announcement, the AllCall Rio received a lot of attention and it’s pretty much spot on, because it looks like it can offer the perfect combination of representative looks, solid hardware and very low price. Maybe the AllCall Company wants give more reward and welfare to their fans, so internet news AllCall want to will release a Rio model Customized.
Smartphone customized is not a fresh concept to us; many Smartphone manufacturers make articles in this side, like the Oppo Barcelona customized, actually it will give fans and customer new expect and more attractive, maybe the AllCall want to catch the trends too.
News said the customized AllCall Rio support the color choice, and now the Rio available for classic black and Champagne Gold, if the color can be customized, it will be good news for other color favor fans. Other inspect, many theme the Rio customize model will be packing more meaning, such as NBA special design, city design, Signature Design,etc. In this way, will adding more spirit to the device, is a good way to transfer the special concept and spirits.
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