Download Android 4.4.4 KitKat stock firmware for DR6533 Car DVD Player
This firmware is for DR6533 Car DVD Player.
Download Android 4.4.4 KitKat stock firmware for DR6533 Car DVD Player from here or here.
Firmware details
Archive: 1691542 DR6533 Update Firmware(Includ MCU,APP,DVD)
Model: DR6533 Car DVD Player
Image file size: 310 MB
Image: universal UI
MCU update
1. Copy “McuRom_C.bin” file to USB/SD, insert to USB1 or Media SDCARD port.
2. Enter into CarSet, click on “MCU update” in the general settings, click “start update”. Progress bar runs to 100%, click “OK” in the pop-up window, restart it to complete update.
3. Please check version information to confirm whether it is updated successfully after restart.
Caution: turn off power or other operations are prohibited during update, otherwise will lead to crash.
If can not enter into update state, please change to another USB or SD port after checking no problem for USB/SD and update file.
Android OS update
1. Copy “rkpx2.bin” & “rkpx2.ini” file to USB/SD, insert to USB1 or Media SD CARD port.
2. Restart device after shut down 1 minute (can also press reset button to restart), it will update automatically after restart, and shows “Update OK” on the left corner of screen after updated successfully.
3. Take out USB/SD after finished, shut down device and restart it after 1 minute (can also press reset button to restart).
4. Please check version information to confirm whether it is updated successfully after restart.
Caution: turn off power or other operations are prohibited during update, otherwise will lead to crash.
If can not enter into update state, please change to another USB or SD port after checking no problem for USB/SD and update file.
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.