Download Android 7.1.1 stock firmware v2.3.32 for Zidoo Z9S TV Box
This firmware is for Zidoo Z9S TV Box with Realtek RTD1296 as CPU.
Download Android stock firmware v2.3.32 for Zidoo Z9S TV Box from here. Download previous Android stock firmware from here.
Firmware details
Archive: ZIDOO_Z9S_N_v2.3.32_202006091451_ota-package
Model: Zidoo X9S TV Box
Image file size: 508 MB
Platform: Realtek RTD1296
Update file name:
Build number: rtk_kylin32-eng 7.1.1 N9F27C eng.jiangb.20200611.140524 test-keys
How to upgrade
First: Click “ABOUT”→”Update”→”Local update” in succession
Second: Choose the OTA zip file from you Udisk.
Verifying the ota file
Copying the ota file
When finished copy, click “Update”
Wait the updating (please don’t turn off the power)
When it finished, then the unit will automatically restart, the upgrade is success.
Reopen the About page, the Software Version is the new version now.
Fix the problem of occasional freeze when playing local video.
Optimize the smoothness of online video playback.
Fixed the issue of audio jump for some special playlists for Bluray (seamless branching).
Fixed the problem of no channel information showing.
Fixed an error in getting the sampling rate.
Optimize the folder scanning function.
Optimize album logic.
Optimize front panel information display.
Added songs information for CD playback.
Fixed an issue where there was no online match.
Video Player
Fixed the problem that the movie name is displayed incorrectly.
Added shortcut to download subtitles.
Optimized subtitle deletion function.
Optimize custom font function.
When the location of the external SRT subtitle is set, the location of the built-in text subtitle will also be changed.
Fixed the problem that Swedish subtitles recognized as Swahili, Romanian is recognized as Russian.
Media Center
Add support for SMBv3.
Add file filter switch.
Fixed the issue that the SACD files in the Favorite would play as video.
Home Theater
Update to the new UI of HT 3.0
Optimize title recognition, compatible with the “season x. episode xx” video.
Optimize the focus control of the collection list when adding to the collection.
Fixed the problem of occasional crash when scanning.
Added “Remove collection” function for automatically categorized collection videos.
Optimize movie add to collection function.
TV series categories added to the left column of the homepage.
Added trailer function in movie details screen(can be closed in settings).
Optimized the display of the new collection of fanart.
Fixed the problem that the movie pictures matched from Douban are not clear.
When the movie has no poster, the local picture is still used, even if the preferred local image switch is off.
Added poster preview function for rematch.
Fixed the problem of occasionally crashing when entering the details screen of the movie analyzed by NFO.
Lock icon will no longer be displayed on the main screen when child lock password protection is closed.
Fixed the problem that movies with the same title from different years will be matched to the same movie.
Added CLEARLOGO function in the detail screen.
Add Pop-up key function of remote control.
Fixed the problem that “scanning” is always displayed when adding devices.
Fixed the problem that the change of poster language does not take effect.
Optimized sorting function.
Search TMDb first when intelligent search.
Optimize the child lock function.
Added full keyboard input to search screen.
Added category browsing mode.
Added custom widget function.
Added custom classification function.
Added the time reverse display for the recent addition of watching records.
Fixed the issue that widget of external device is not displayed sometime.
The main screen widget adds region selection.
Add custom function to the type in main screen.
Fixed the problem that the type in main screen is displayed in English individually.
Added browsing mode for devices in main screen (file and poster browsing).
Add switch display Settings for recommended functions in the main screen.
Added local trailer function(movie name. trailer.mp4).
Added alphabetical navigation function to the poster list screen(effective when sorting by poster name).
Optimized trailer playback logic.
Change the default layout size of the poster list screen.
Added function to clear application data.
Optimize application stability
Added editing function for navigation in category screen.
Optimize the function of editing TV series on the web.
Optimize the accuracy of getting the movie year.
Optimize the matching rate of videos with title in brackets.
Fix the problem that TMDb matching rate drops due to modified Douban matching.
Added positoin and size adjutment function for PIP.
1.Fixed the problem that the playback ratio of individual videos is incorrect.
Control Center
Add a confirmation switch if authorization is required.
Add sleep interface to mobile phone control.
ShotCut Keys
Added shortcut to download subtitles.
Application installer
Optimize installation from web.
Added support install from mobile phone.
Mobile Phone Control
Optimize connected device management
Add the function of installing local applications
Added screenshot saving function.
Added function of installing shared app file to ZIDOO device.
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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