Download Android 7.1 stock firmware for Tanix TX3 Mini TV Box
This firmware is for Tanix TX3 Mini TV Box with Amlogic S905W as CPU. BTW, you can now buy Tanix TX3 Mini TV Box from for only $28.99 with free shipping world wide.
Download Android 7.1 stock firmware for Tanix TX3 Mini TV Box from here, here and here. Download previous firmware version from here.
Firmware details
Archive: TANIX TX3 MINI Android 7.1 Amlogic S905W 4K TV Box Firmware Update 20171220
Model: Tanix TX3 Mini 1GB+8GB / 2GB+16GB TV Box
Image file size: 701 MB
Platform: Amlogic S905W
Image: TANIX TX3 MINI ota 20171220
Inside archive: firmware + recovery.img + factory_update_param.aml
Build number: Amlogic/p281/p281:7.1.2/NHG47L/20171220:userdebug/test-keys
Download this .ZIP file and upgrade your system by using the pre-installed “UPDATE” APP.
1. Copy the .ZIP to a TF Card or USB memory.
2. Plug it to your TV Box.
3. Open UPDATE APP already pre-installed.
4. Press “Select” and choose the .ZIP file.
5. Press “Update” and wait.
We are sure this upgrade is going to fix some of the problems you could find until now. Maybe the most important is a correction on the video output that downscaled videos to 720p. Ok, now you will see TX3 Mini real potential when playing 1080p and 4K videos. If your box is running an old version of the firmware, you also will find that now, YouTube allows to choose 1080p resolution. New features as Root ON/OFF or Auto Frame Rate have been added too and you can find them at Settings > More Settings
The list of changes comparing with v.20171107
– Root ON/OFF menu option added at Settings
– New Auto Frame-Rate menu option added at Settings
– Video layer improvement (fixed a 720p downscale bug)
– Mouse pointer resized
– Corrections from a new Amlogic’s SDK
– Improved WiFi throughput
– Some other video improvements
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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I need
Tx3 mini ota ip