Download Android Nougat 7.0 stock firmware for Tanix TX6 TV Box
This firmware is for Tanix TX6 TV Box with Allwinner H6 as CPU. BTW, you can now buy Tanix TX6 TV Box from for a very good price with free shipping world wide.
Download Android Nougat 7.0 stock firmware PC version for Tanix TX6 TV Box from here or here. Download Android Nougat 7.0 stock firmware OTA version for Tanix TX6 TV Box from here. Flash it from PC using LiveSuit v1.11 or from SD card using PhoenixCard v3.09. Download previous firmware from here. Download Android Pie 9 stock firmware for Tanix TX6 TV Box from here.
Firmware details
Archive name: TX6_release_H6_7.0_20181219 / TX6_20181219 OTA
Image: TX6_release_H6_7.0_20181219.img /
Archive file size: 686 MB / 795 MB
Platform: Allwinner H6
OS: Android Android Nougat 7.0 stock
Build number: petrel_fvd_p1-eng 7.0 NRD91N 20181219 test-keys
Device: petrel-p1
1. Fixed digital led flash problem after standby.
2. Boosted the speed to turn off digital led when into standby.
3. Disabled status bar to remove flood notification from youtube.
4. Add a patch for bluetooth.
We seperate ota to two update zip files, update the small one first, then rename the to and update the full ota. if apply the full ota first, some box may need more time to finish upgrading.
How to update Tanix TX6 TV Box by external USB memory or TF Card?
Follow these steps:
1. First of all, download the ZIP file.
2. Copy the update.ZIP file into the ROOT folder of a FAT32 formated USB memory.
3. Connect the USB memory to your Tanix TX6
4. A dialog should pop-up indicating your TX6 has found an update.
5. Follow instructions, first boot after upgrade may take some minutes.
6. Remove your file from your USB memory, then RENAME the second ZIP file as (be careful with extensions, an will not work) and repeat steps 2 to 4.
Caution Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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Can I try to use it in tx6 from vontar or not, mine is not tanax is vontar TX 6?
no.its a cheat.
no bkuetooth. no 4k. no 5g wifi.
need tanix tx6 h6 2/16GB firmware