Download Android Nougat 7.1.2 firmware for MX9 Pro TV Box
This firmware is for MX9 Pro TV Box with Rockchip RK3328 as CPU. BTW, you can now buy MX9 Pro TV Box from for only $57.68 with free shipping world wide.
Download Android Nougat 7.1.2 firmware for MX9 Pro TV Box from here, here or here. Download Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.4 from here and download Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 from here.
Firmware details
Archive: mx9 pro rk3328 20180115
Archive size: 701 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3328 / RK322H
Image name: a9s_rk3328_d4_rtl8723_20180115_r1(mx9pro 无插件).img
FW version: 7.1.00
Boot version: 2.44
Model number: MX9Pro.01.d4
Company: rockchip
Build number: rk3328_box-userdebug 7.1.2 NHG47K eng.foxluo.20180115.142323 test-keys
SDK version: RK30_ANDROID7.1.2-SDK-v1.00.00
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
buy new mxq pro 4k some one sale me its new i dont have any invoice
1st week working well but now is stuck logo screen
and nothing else can you help me how i can jumpe this logo o reinstalo any tips
I can not install the rom by the usb cable. Is there another way to install the room through the sd card? Thank you!
This is my problem. Watch the video. Thank you! (
You can try with Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool v1.4
Read more here
It’s a friend, I used all the forms below to try to install the Stock Rom on my TVBOX. But I could not. I think I’ll give up and be without my TVBOX. I used: (Amlogic_SDcardMaker_BootcardMaker_burnBootCard_v1.0.1)
(Burn_Card_Maker 工具) / (rockchip create upgrade disk tool v1.4) / (PhoenixCard_V310_20130618 / SD_Firmware_Tool.v.1.4). And nothing gave me the solution to recover my TVBOXMX9PRO, which is soft-brick. But I appreciate the attention. Thank you!
You need to re-create the update image file: “a9s_rk3328_d4_rtl8723_20180115_r1 (mx9pro 无 插件) .img”. In another file format. So that it can be recognized and installed by the device from Android System Recovery. In the option: (Update / Recover from SD Card on TVBOXMX9 PRO.
For this device is not accepting any other way to shoot the rom file in image format. When you have the soft-brink problem. Thank you!
I did the procedure:
1. open the Rockchip Batch Tool and import the firmware
2. Short two golden dots on NAND chip and keep it short (shown in post manu_manu4)
3. Connect the micro USB cable to the OGT port
4. Windows should make sound “add device” and device should appear in batch tool
5. Unshort golden pins
6. Press Upgrade to start blinking.
But despite the pc recognizing an unknown device. It was not enough for the Rockchip Batch Tool, recognize the port and get selected for upgrade.
This firmware does not work wi fi and bluetooth
Hi friends, I download the firmware but can’t open, it says disc corrupted.
Hi ADILTON MARQUES,tv box in is micro usb (OTG).The cable PC-TV box is USB-microUSB.
To recover my TvBoxMX9Pro. Look in notepad without link:
To recover my TvBoxMX9Pro. Look in notepad without link: (
Please. Put a firmiwere TvBoxMX9Pro, with root.
After the update my box is heating up a lot !!!
Olá Carlos: A minha também estava esquentando muito. Resolvi colocando uma base de cooler de computador com alimentação de fonte de 18v, separadamente em baixo do aparelho MX9PRO. Com isso ela fica refrigerada e fria. Valeu! (
Installation de TWRP.
To do Root on this TVBOXMX9PRO. Just follow our friend’s YouTube video tutorial. “”. But be aware, ipotesse no you should upgrade the supersu App that will be installed with this method. And never open the supersu app. Because if it opens it will ask to update the binary,
you can not do that. Well if you update the binary the android will not start any more. You will have to restore the ROM stock in order to use the device again. For neither master reset will recover it. This happened to me and gave me a lot of work to apprehend to restore the rom. Note: If you can do root, even if you do a master reset in the future. A root factory restore will not delete your device and it will be turned on normally. Thank you!
que da um reset no meu tv box e instalar o andrid
can’t to play Netflix app.
and I try to new load netflix app. but it haven’t netflix app. for dl.
MX9 Pro TV Box RK3328 as Problem … During flashing, the device was disconnected from the electricity and gave a red light, now what should I do?
I have MX9 Pro 4k ultra HD with 4/32GB, chip RK3328 and wifi IT6334. I need stock rom for it now, because I using rom RK3328, wifi rtl8723 so it not enable wifi and bluetooth. Pls help me about stock rom for chip rk3328/wifi IT6334. Thanks all
I dont have it…