Download Android stock firmware v1.2.20 for Zidoo X20 TV Box
This firmware is for Zidoo X20 TV Box with Realtek RTD1296 as CPU.
Download Android stock firmware v1.2.20 for Zidoo X20 TV Box from here, here or here.
Firmware details
Archive: install-ZIDOO_X20-v1.2.20-201805281155-USB
Model: Zidoo X20 TV Box
Image file size: 389 MB
Platform: Realtek RTD1296
Update file name: install-ZIDOO_X20-v1.2.20-201805281155-USB.img
Update mode: USB forced
How to upgrade
There is some risk for flashing your ZIDOO X20 BOX, please be quite careful to make it. It will clean out user data entirely, if you are not professional, please be cautious to do it.
First, do some preparation:
– a quite fine needle, you can use other finer tools instead of it, such as toothpick, etc, in order to hold down the Reset button;
– U disk, ensuring that it is as below the format of FAT32;
At the beginning, you need to download the firmware and rename it to “install.img” and copy it to USB Disk. Then, insert U disk into one of USB3.0 port, as shown below red line mark.
Flash your box now: First, press the RESTORE button then turn on the power by the same time,
If you have connect to TV, the TV will show the schedule,proved that you are flashing now, (If not shown or have a green screen, it’s normal, Don’t power off either, just wait for 10 minute until the vfd shows “hello”)
This flash process about two minutes, after finishing flashing will showed you install completed.
Then it will enter the system automatically, It will be a little longer for the first time, about 2 minutes.
Please remove all the external storage device(such as Sdcard、SATA、USB)on X20 before you flash it. Just keep the one USB your need for falshing.
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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