Download latest Android 7.1 stock firmware for H96 Pro Plus TV Box
This firmware is for H96 Pro Plus with Amlogic S912 as CPU. You can buy it from for only $60.59 with free shipping. Here you can read about the unboxing H96 Pro Plus Android TV Box.
Download latest Android 7.1 stock firmware for H96 Pro Plus TV Box from here, here or here. Download previous firmware from here. Download Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.8 from here or download Amlogic Burn_Card_Maker v2.0.2 from here.
Firmware details
Archive: H96 pro+ fw V2799 & V3050
Model: H96 Pro+ TV Box
Image file size: 802 MB
Platform: Amlogic S912
Image name: V2799 & V3050 / aml_7.1_s912_q9377-H96PROPLUS_KDMC_mac-20170809.img
Inside archive: firmware + license (usid.ini, mac_wifi.ini, mac_ether.ini, HDCP2_LIENCE.ini) + Upgrade Instructions.docx + USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.8.exe + Update video .mp4
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
Have updated on 3/16 from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 by use of the SDCard variant without any issue. There is no visible difference, however, I had to downgrade to 7.1.1 because every different launcher (for example Nova) force closes after 1 second.
The log shows at this point: Wallpaper service not running.
I wasn’t able to get this fixed.
I have not been able to flash the new firmware for my H96 pro plus 3+32g DDR3 version i have tried every version includeing previous version of firmware. i have done the flashing per the instructions given including help from fourms. i have have been able to flash one version only. I really need help………
Charles St Andrew
some old H96 pro plus can’t be flashed to android 7.1
Charles St Andrew
Try this,same new firmware but includes all required files.
Don’t forget license folder,its needed for mac address.
You will know its all ok in flash tool if you see in box on RHS Key Avail… mac 598 for example. mac 0 is wrong and will not work without license folder.
Also,try using Force erase..
latest official firmware
Above is for the H96 pro+. includes flash tool and instructions
como eu uso a license?
I’ve recently purchased this 4K unit and flashed it with this ROM:
I have a few questions for any of you that can help me.
I was unable to get my Sony TV to identify and reproduce 3D movies played in the pre-loaded KODI 17.3. Apparently the TV doesn’t recognize the 3D signal, or it is not sent from the box.
I have two other boxes with which I successfully play 3D content in this same TV. A Vero unit (linux based) and a Tanix TX5 Pro (Android box).
Have any of you experienced this issue?
Have any of you tried to play 3D content successfully with any ROM in this box?
Do you know if the pre-loaded KODI 17.3 is tweaked to use this specific box? Will I get in trouble if I switch to the KODI in the Google Play Store, in order to get automatic updates?
Thanks everyone.
Works great on CSA93. Thank you.
This firmware gives for 3GB / 32GB ?
Wifi is not working on H96 pro 2 GB ram 16 GB rom
Once again one warning: With this firmware it will be impossible to change the wallpaper or launcher.
Because the stock launcher has fixed links to preinstalled apps this is really a no-go.
I have tried to fix this – even I’m a Linux programmer – I had no success within a short time.
Found out that the Ugoos launcher from Google Play is the only one which is working, because it has also a hard linked internal wallpaper. But the good Nova, Apex or similar aren’t usable 🙁
… the previous firmware listed here it’s
is working fine…
Works great on CSA93. Thank you..
Hi i have got DD4 version of H96 pro , Will it work ? please confirm .
Does this firmware work on CSA93 (3 + 32GB)?
Yes Rarachch, you can test that works great on CSA93 (3 + 32GB)
It works perfectly, Rarachch
I just received the H96 Pro Ultra HDTV BOX. I cannot get the keyboard to display. I do not have an extra key and am only using the remote provided. I have tried to play with the settings and still nothing…
When required/asked to input email, searches etc, I want the virtual keyboard to pop up and use the remote.
please let me know how I can fix this. thanks!!
I will give you a curiosity. I have a 32/3 GB model and I discovered after opening the casing that the next SD card reader are two USB ports fully equipped but covered by a plastic casing. Just cut the appropriate holes and we have ….. two additional, fully fledged USB 2.0 ports!
H96 pro plus s912 not working after firmware upgrade.
How to proceed if shows “Mac 0” on display. The instructions are not clear.
I have an HP96 pro + 3G / 32G 9377 for a few months no picture on TV only a blue light on the device no fiamware can be transferred to the device by USB since any flashing procedure by AmlogicBurning all versions give the following message:
[17:49:02 725][Global][Inf]–User click refresh button
[17:49:02 740][Global][Inf]–Burning thread HUB2-3 start
[17:49:02 790][HUB2-3][Inf]–Open device handle \\?\usb#vid_1b8e&pid_c003#5&33d64ffb&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} 0x00000634
[17:49:02 844][HUB2-3][Inf]–Connect path=Contrôleur hôte PCI vers USB standard étendu/P0/P2
[17:49:02 844][HUB2-3][Inf]–Start burning…
[17:49:02 895][HUB2-3][Inf]————–ERASE BOOTLOADER————
[17:49:02 995][HUB2-3][Inf]–start SendIdentifyCmd
[17:49:02 996][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0
[17:49:02 997][HUB2-3][Inf]————-Download DDR.USB———–
[17:49:02 998][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0
[17:49:02 998][HUB2-3][Inf]–Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x000000b1
[17:49:03 499][HUB2-3][Inf]–Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x00005183
[17:49:04 000][HUB2-3][Inf]–Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x000000b1
[17:49:04 501][HUB2-3][Inf]–Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x00005183
[17:49:05 002][HUB2-3][Inf]–Write initial succeed
[17:49:05 002][HUB2-3][Inf]–Upload encrypt at 0xc8100228
[17:49:05 003][HUB2-3][Inf]–ulValue = 0xadfc318c
[17:49:05 003][HUB2-3][Inf]–Read encrypt value succeed
[17:49:05 003][HUB2-3][Inf]–Download DDR.USB,size: 49152!
[17:49:05 018][HUB2-3][Inf]–Transfer complete 49152
[17:49:05 019][HUB2-3][Inf]–Run at address 0xd9000000
[17:49:05 021][HUB2-3][Inf]–RunInRam success
[17:49:05 501][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
[17:49:05 501][HUB2-3][Inf]–CheckFileRunState succeed
[17:49:05 502][HUB2-3][Inf]–runResult:0x 0,paraMagic:0x7856efab
[17:49:05 502][HUB2-3][Inf]–ddrCapacity:0x c00
[17:49:05 503][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
[17:49:05 503][HUB2-3][Inf]–Get Encrpt ulValue = 0xadfc318c
[17:49:05 503][HUB2-3][Err]–download 1 time!
[17:49:05 504][HUB2-3][Inf]–Download UBOOT.USB buffer at 0x0200c000
[17:49:05 687][HUB2-3][Inf]–Transfer complete
[17:49:05 888][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
[17:49:05 888][HUB2-3][Inf]–Download DDR.USB buffer at 0xd9000000
[17:49:05 899][HUB2-3][Inf]–Transfer complete
[17:49:05 907][HUB2-3][Inf]–DownCheckPara succeed
[17:49:05 908][HUB2-3][Inf]–2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
[17:49:05 908][HUB2-3][Inf]–RunInAddr at address 0xd9000000
[17:49:05 975][HUB2-3][Err]–generatedAddSum:0x3bb26b2e;srcAddSum:0x97f3b075;runResult:0x e6;paraMagic:0x7856efab
[17:49:05 975][HUB2-3][Inf]–ReadCheckPara failed
[17:49:05 975][HUB2-3][Inf]–m_iFileIndex:0
[17:49:06 037][HUB2-3][Err]–[0x11000902]Romcode/Read CheckPara/Error result
[17:49:06 041][HUB2-3][Inf]–Close device handle 0x00000634