Download Marhmallow 6.0.1 v1.2.0 stock firmware for Ugoos UT6 TV Box
This firmware is for Ugoos UT6 TV Box with Rockchip RK3229 as CPU.
Download Marhmallow 6.0.1 stock firmware for Ugoos UT6 TV Box from here, here or here. Download previous firmware from here.
Download Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.4 from here and download Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 from here.
Firmware details
Archive: UT6_1.2.0
Model: Ugoos UT6 TV Box
Image file size: 478 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3229 / RK322A
Image name: ut6_1.2.0.img
SDK version: RK30_ANDROID6.0.1-SDK-v1.00.00
FW version: 6.0.01
Boot version: 2.31
Model number: UGOOS-UT6
Company: UGOOS
Build number: UT6-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89L user.ugoos.20170419.162924 test-keys
Inside archive: firmware + DriverAssitant_v4.4 + AndroidTool v2.3 + ugoos_firmware_upgrade_guide + changelog
This is what we have for this release:
Masked HDMI
This feature will be very useful for those customers who prefer to use some streaming services (like Sky Go) and have problems because of HDMI detection in application. In order to prevent app system detect HDMI by particular application you can run: Settings – HDMI – masked HDMI. Masked HDMI force system not to include HDMI in device’s active output.
Time correction
Now you will be able to set their own ntp server, if you had problems with current one. Also, system will save power disconnection time and when you will plug in your device again, you will get more closest time until server will update it to a current values. This option first appeared on Ugoos S905 devices then S912, RK3288 and now in RK3229. Set ntp server: settings – date & time – NTP server.
In this option, we add ability to choose and set actions for sleep timer and power key on RC. You can disable sleep timer at all or choose appropriate time and set RC power key using three positions: sleep and shutdown. In addition, bug with wake on motion feature was fixed. Also, we added additional timer for action after day dream: sleep or turn off. Display -> Daydream -> Power key action/Power action timer.
Ethernet switcher
This feature let users attach additional LAN ports via USB. We add management tab in Ethernet settings, so now you can activate/deactivate and switch between LAN interfaces in one click. This feature was popular on Ugoos 4.4 Android devices based on RK3288 SoC and now we implemented it for RK3368 and RK3229. Run Ethernet management: Settings – Network – Ethernet.
HDMI color mode
For the majority of different TV screens and monitors device defines HDMI color mode automatically, but, due to some specifics, for a few amount of screen devices there is parameters incapability. So now, you can manually choose color mode from menu in order to choose appropriate one: Automatic, RGB_0_255, RGB_16_235, YCbCr422, YCbCr444 & YCbCr420. Run color mode settings: Settings – Display – HDMI Color Mode.
Auto Frame Rate
During playback many video samples, we concluded that sometimes AFR function in KODI is choosing best options for playback due to different video parameters and sometimes choosing is not correct in other players. For more convenience, we set three options for Frame Rate: System resolution, Video resolution priority & Frequency resolution priority. Kodi has their own Frame Rate settings, so these options enabled in other players with using generic codecs. Run AFR settings: Settings – Display – Autoframerate.
Debug Settings: Ugoos Log Viewer
Another exclusive option will be useful for developers. Simple switchers let you connect using ADB via USB or Wi-Fi.
Sound settings and Bitstream fix
For KODI users we make ability to turn on spdif passthrough and Bitstream in Android settings to make sure these features works correctly. Default output makes all settings standard if you use another app for playback. Passthrough should work if you turn on this function in both Android Settings and Kodi settings.
Minor bugs fixes and updates
In these few months, we have a huge feedback on small bugs and improvements our customers want us to fix and change. So for most of them we had a work on mistakes. Full changelog you can see down this article, here is the main we have:
– EXT4 file system support is one of the most frequently mentioned improvement, so this release we also add it as in our Amlogic devices before.
– For users who frequently connected UT6 with another PC (Android developers) now will have no problem with saving USB connection method after reboot.
– Change closing apps functionality, so now you can use RC more effectively to close just one app or all of them.
– Chrome and standard browser works stable with lots of tabs.
– Updater functionality changed. Now you can keep using your TV Box while update downloading. Now you can choose update file manually without editing it’s name.
– Now Ugoos settings and other custom functions translated on four languages: English, German, Russian and Chinese.
– We add Ugoos KODI with our brand skin. You always can change it in settings or install another version in Play Market.
Changelog v.1.2.0 – 19/04/2017
1. Added ability to enter NTP server (Date & time Settings)
2. Fix ext4 support
3. State of USB connection to PC is saved after reboot
4. Added switcher of Ethernet interfaces (Settings -> Ethernet)
5. Added autoframerate settings (Settings -> Display -> Autoframerate)
6. Added HDMI Color Mode Settings (Settings -> Display -> HDMI Color Mode)
7. Added masked HDMI setting (Ugoos Settings -> System -> Masked HDMI)
8. Added closing of apps by pressing DPAD_LEFT or DPAD_RIGHT buttons in Recent apps and closing of all apps by pressing MENU button
9. Added ability to control power LED (Ugoos Settings -> Hardware -> LED Settings)
10. Added Daydream service
11. Daydream. Added ability of disabling wake up from motions (mouse, gamepads)
12. Daydream. Renamed sleep timer into additional timer. Added a choice of actions (sleep, shutdown) for additional timer
13. Fix Google Play Store bugs
14. Fix HDMI Bitstream bug
15. Translation changes (eng,de,ru,cn)
16. Added Debug Settings (Ugoos Settings -> System -> Debug Settings)
17. Fixed browser tabs bug
18. Ugoos Kodi
19. Update Service:
– added ability to choose update manually from storage
– now can download update in the background
– bug fixes
20. Settings. Added sound devices manager (System sounds -> Sound Devices Manager)
and other changes
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.