Download SwitchOS & SwitchNow to Switch from Windows to Android
Use SwitchOS & SwitchNow to switch or select OS (Operating System) dual boot tablets.
Download SwitchOS & SwitchNow to Switch from Windows to Android from here, here or here.
Archive details
Archive name: SwitchOS & SwitchNow
Archive size: 844 KB
Archive content: Teclast SwitchOS (SwitchOS(WTA).exe) & Hi12 SwitchNOW (SwitchNOW.exe)
How to switch between Android and Windows on the dual OS tablet?
In usual dual system tablet, there is an Android logo on the mission board, located at the bottom of Windows interface. You can easily switch from Android to Windows by clicking on the logo.
If you’re using Android, just swipe down the screen from the top, right side, you will see a changing-to-Windows icon. Tap on it to switch OS.
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SALUT. Am o tableta teclast X4 cu windows 10 si am instalat android X86 pentru dual boot,dar nu reusesc sa schimb boot area de pe un os pe altul doar cu o tastatura cu fir pe usb.Exista metoda de a schimba fara folosirea tastaturii?