Download Android Lollipop 5.1.1 firmware for Leelbox Q1
This firmware is for Leelbox Q1 TV Box with Rockchip RK3229 CPU
Download Android Lollipop 5.1.1 firmware for Leelbox Q1 TV Box from here or here.
Download Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.4 from here and download Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 from here.
Firmware details
Archive: CXH-RK3299-LEEIbook-0721
Model: Leelbox Q1 TV Box
Image file size: 600 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3229 / RK322A
Image name: update.img
Model number: rk322x_box-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY49F eng.20160716.103902 test-keys
FW version: 5.0.00
Boot version: 2.30
Model: Q1
SDK version: RK30_ANDROID5.1.1-SDK-v1.00.00
Company: Android
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
Hello. Do you have the firmware for the first MX android tv box?
I am not sure which one, try to search for it here
This firmware works on LeelBox S1?
A step by step walk through of an upgrade would also be helpful.
thanks for this tutorial and firmware
can you please help me i cant find( Leelbox MXQ- pro)frimwark
i have ( Leelbox MXQ- pro ) and i had proped 5 mxq Frimwares and all they give me this after 2% from downloading
[0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error
Hello. Do you have the firmware for the Q1 PRO android tv box?
batch tool stays in chinese and is there a tutorial to show how to install this firmware i cannot do it. everything i try is a fail. i used sd method sideload but no good and batch tool no good. how do i update the firmware on leelbox q1 so i can run kodi 17.3 thx
Descargar el firmware de Android Lollipop 5.1.1 para Leelbox Q1 como lo puedo vajar
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