A few days ago I played with my Hisense MA-317 SoundPad Media Station, I flashed a wrong firmware messing around with different bootloaders and I bricked it. BTW, here you can read about the unboxing Hisense MA-317 SoundPad Media Station.

Everytime I tried to flash back the stock image, even with ‘Found One LOADER device’ mode, I got always the same error: ‘Download Bot Fail!’, with blue square on the first position in Rockchip Batch Tool. ‘Switch’ button didn’t work neither.

1. The easiest way to solve this, without need of short circuit of the NAND pins, is to download and use Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool v1.4 to make a bootable micro SD card with your device stock firmware, in my case I needed cts.ma317.2014.08.21 firmware (Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2) from
here only to be able to access recovery menu from SD card. Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool from
here or
here. Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool v1.4 provided has SDBoot 2.13 and Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool v1.5 provided use SDBoot 2.12 for Rockchip RK3028 / RK3026 devices. Use one of this tool to burn cts.ma317.2014.08.21.img file on a micro SD card, check only first box ‘Upgrade Firmware’, and make sure not to check ‘PCBA Test’ and ‘SD Boot’. The key here is to use the correct firmware with the right boatloader / SDBoot. Insert the micro SD card into Hisense MA-317 SoundPad Media Station and power it on. You’ll see something like this:

2. From this recovery menu you will be able to use option ‘apply update from ADB’. In this stage you need to download and install via ADB an OTA update.zip package, to restore damaged bootloader. So next you have to go
here and download TEST-MA317E0911FRV03-MA317E0916FRV04-OTA.zip file (Android KitKat 4.4.4). Now download adb archive from
here or
here and extract de content to C: partition (C:\adb). Rename the firmware TEST-MA317E0911FRV03-MA317E0916FRV04-OTA.zip to update.zip for easier use and move it also to C:\adb folder. Plug in your device to your Windows machine. You will now be in stock recovery. With Volume Down, highlight “apply update from ADB.” Press Power to choose it. To test that you have adb up and running, and that your device is recognized open command prompt by running cmd-here.exe file and type the following: adb devices. You should get a serial number followed by ‘device’. If you see something along those lines, your adb is working properly, for now. Back to your PC, type the following command: adb sideload update.zip. If your adb is working properly, you should see the file transfer to your device in adb. Once that finishes, your device will begin to update. Once it has finished, simply reboot the device. Now we have the right recovery and the right KitKat bootloader on our device.
3. Download Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.4 from here and download Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 from here. Run Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.4 and install the Windows drivers. Finally download MA317DEEWF2CV01.img firmware from here. Run Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 and load MA317DEEWF2CV01.img file. Turn off Hisense MA-317 SoundPad Media Station, connect it to PC, press together Power On button + Volume Up button until you get a green square on Rockchip Batch Tool v1.8 and the press ‘Restore’ button to flash firmware. That’s all folks!

– in my case, if I selected only ‘Upgrade firmware’ in Rockchip Create Upgrade Disk Tool, without ‘SD Boot’, the device refused to install firmware from SD card, but it booted into recovery.
– after flashing the first ‘update.zip’, my device didn’t boot normally, the display driver looks to be wrong, the image was blur and weird.
– it is possible like this tutorial to apply to all or to other Rockchip RK3028 / RK3026 or Rockchip devices in general. I don’t know that for sure. So if you got one of those errors or the blue square in Rockchip Batch Tools, then you can try this. Maybe it helps.
Enjoy, share is love!
My Hisense MA-317 SoundPad Media Station is back to life now!

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Did you always have access to recovery menu while your
Device was bricked? I have a bricked rockchip device and have no access. It powers on, but no display, pc picks it and tried flashing the firmware only to get “download idb fail”
Hello. I’ve got a problem at the third step, the pc don’t recognize the MA317 after rebooting. It recognize that a android device is pluged in but refuse the driver and also rockship batch don’t see my ma317.
For information, the turorial worked ok until the rebooting (install adb ok).
please can you help me ?
Thanks for all.
hello freinds.
i have Hisense SoundTab MA-317. i can’t find any firmware “.img”. all links expireds,
please, can you send me another links?
thank you all.