Shanling M0 Firmware V3.3 update
Shanling M0 Firmware V3.3 update.
Shanling M0 Firmware V3.3
Download it from Shanling website or Google Drive. (M0 firmware V3.3.rar)
New Functions
1. SyncLink – Control playback of M0 from connected Android smartphone or tablet. To use SyncLink function, you need to install Shanling Music app. App is available as .apk file in the zip file with firmware update. SyncLink function is still considered beta, there will be following updates. At current time Shanling Music app is available only for Android devices.
2. Added Russian language.
3. Added AB repeat function. To use AB repeat, click on AB button on now playing screen. Then tap on two positions on progress bar, to set position A and B.
4. Added DSD-native support for USB Output to external DAC.
Changes and fixes
1. Adjusted Playback speed control (available in 1.25/1.5/2x speed).
2. Adjusted now playing screen, moving progress bar to the first group of controls.
3. Other bug fixes.
How to update
1. Make sure that M0 is fully charged.
2. Unzip the file and copy “update.bin” file into root folder of micro SD card.
3. Note: If your M0 is on firmware 1.0 or 1.5, card must be formatted to FAT32. For update from firmware 2.0 and higher, you can use all cards.
4. Choose “System Update”in system settings and follow the displayed instructions. Wait until system restarts.
5. Check in settings “About M0” to be sure new firmware was installed.
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