Download latest 4.4 Stock Firmware for GPD XD Gamepad
This firmware is for GPD XD Gamepad with Rockchip RK3288 CPU
Download latest 4.4 Stock Firmware for GPD XD Gamepad from here or from here.
Firmware details
Archive name: XD V2.4.0 English version
Image: XD V2.4.0 +ó+-¦µ¦+ / update.img
Archive file size: 593 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3288
Build number: XD-EN-V2.4.0-KTU84Q-20150724.105316
FW version: 4.4.02
Boot version: 2.23
Inside archive: BatchTool English, DriverAssitant_v4.1.1, GPD update firmware explanation V2.4
1. includes Google suites and google map, and the default language and input method are both with English.
2. the update package contains: upgrade instructions, upgrade drivers, upgrade tools. it’s better to upgrade via computer.
3. this version is to optimize these problems: can’t open some games, optimize the storage driver, fix part of the rocker can not reach +/-1, upgrade some applications, optimize the heating problem.
Caution Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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