5 Tips You Should Know When Having a Helmet
Wearing a helmet can protect us from a crash. But did you know how to use it properly? Here are 5 tips for you.
Wear a helmet at every ride
Don’t think it’s okay to ride without a helmet just because it’s a short trip. Always take safety before anything.
Don’t wear a hat under the helmet
It is important to make sure that the helmet fits your head. Wearing a hat under a helmet is obviously not a wise move.
Make sure the helmet covers your forehead
The helmet should sit level on your head and low on your forehead—one or two finger-widths above your eyebrow.
Replace your helmet after damage
For every damage no matter how small it is please replace your helmet. Keep your helmet stay steady so it could protect you best in crashes.
Wear a helmet with a certification
Choose a certified helmet for better safety. The more certification a helmet has the better.
A fall or spill can happen faster than you would imagine and having that protection is worth all the could have/would have/should have in the world. It won’t always save you but it sure will give you a better chance than not having that helmet on.
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