Upcoming Ulefone Device Will Spotlight Its Users
From Paris to Future, Ulefone has been trying to developing its own designing language, with the signs of popular brands eliminated bit to bit. And today the company show on their blog an upcoming device that is totally different from any phone available on the market.
Ulefone has only shown us the front side of the phone, which is cool enough to draw the attention of beholders. Despite most phone makers that give almost the same plain face to their products, Ulefone has specially designed the upper and lower lips of their device. The company may have got inspiration from the logo of Transformers since the phone delivers some feel of fantasy movie. What’s inherited from previous Ulefone devices is a ring-shaped home button, which seems fancier here.
Ulefone may see a bigger gender gap in the users of this device than in anything they have made, because it looks very tough. Anyway, we are happy to see some company begin to do something different in design.
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