Download Android 7.1.2 firmware for MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box
This firmware is for MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box with Amlogic S912 as CPU. BTW, you can now buy MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box from Gearbest for only $64.99. Hurry up, limited time offer!
Download Android 7.1.1 stock firmware SD card version for MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box from here and here. Download Android 7.1.1 stock firmware PC version for MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box from here and here. Download previous version from here.
Firmware details
Archive: MECOOL M8S PRO L-20180803 / MECOOL M8S PRO L-ota-20180803
Model: MECOOL M8S Pro L TV Box 3GB RAM / 32GB ROM
Image file size: 578 MB / 638 MB
Platform: Amlogic S912
Image: MECOOL M8S PRO L-20180803.img / MECOOL M8S PRO
Build number: M8S PRO L-userdebug 7.1.2 NHG47L 20180803.173707.V0213 / Amlogic/q20x/q20x:7.1.2/NHG47L/20180803.173707.V0213:userdebug/
Device: M8S_PRO_L_4335
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
ROM jest pewnie OK, ale niestety nie działa w wersji z normalnym pilotem :(. Nie można zainicjować urządzenia za pomocą “-” i “OK”. Nadmieniam, że posiadam wersję z bez “voice control” serii LB. Pozdrawiam i proszę o wersję firmware dla serii LB z normalnym pilotem.
Will this firmware work in the CSA93 TV Box with AmLogic S912 as CPU 3/32 GB?
LB or LQ
nice done !
Vontar ARC 8 – S912 Cortex S53
MECOOL M8S PRO L-20180803
Thus ist the Version LB. With Voice Control and other WlanDriver