Download Win10 Drivers Package for Vido / Yuandao W8C W8A W8S tablets
The drivers are for Vido / Yuandao W8C W8A W8S tablets with Intel Atom Bay Trail Z3735F quad-core CPU
Download Win10 Drivers Package for Vido / Yuandao W8C W8A W8S tablets from here, here or here.
Drivers Package details
Archive name: BayTrail-CR_For Win10 Driver_Package_for_W8C W8A W8S
Archive file size: 166 MB
Platform: Intel Atom Z3735F quad-core Bay Trail
Inside archive: Touch, Sensor (Sensors HUB, Bosch & BMA250E), REALTEK (RealtekWIFI & RealtekBluetooth), Intel, Broadcom & VIDO W8A W8C W8S Driver Installation Steps.pdf
Vido W8A W8C W8S Tablet PC Driver Installation Steps
1. Intel driver install – Intel\Setup.exe
2. Sensor option – Sensor, BMA250E, Bosch & Sensors HUB
3. WIFI option – Realtek\RealtekWIFI\setup.exe &\Broadcom\BoradcomWIFI\bcmfn2.inf / bcmdhd64.inf
4. Bluetooth option – RealtekBluetooth\Install.exe & Broadcom\BoradcomBluetooth\setup.exe
5. Touch – Touch \SileadTouch.inf
Caution Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
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hi all.
my vido w8c locked on logon page and can not use keyboard to type anything.
please help me.
send answer to email.
good day. I bought vido w8c. as a result of the use of children, flew an operating system on it. I reinstalled the system windose 10 64-bit, but can not install the driver on the sensor. Pomsogite or backup driver or step rozshirennoy instruction. ische and its 32-bit or 64-place must be? Thanks in advance. prishoite response to an email please
good day. I bought vido w8c. as a result of the use of children, flew an operating system on it. I reinstalled the system windose 10 64-bit, but can not install the driver on the sensor. give detailed instruction or backup. install the 64-bit or 32? Thanks in advance . send answer to
how do I install the touch drivers? there is no setup and in device management I can not insert them, thank you very much,