Download Android Nougat 7.1 stock firmware for Mecool KM8 P TV Box
This firmware is for Mecool KM8 P TV Box with Amlogic S912 as CPU. You can now buy Mecool KM8 P TV Box from Gearbest for only $48.33 with free shipping world wide.
Download Android Nougat 7.1.1 stock firmware SD card version for Mecool KM8 P TV Box from here, here or here. Download Android Nougat 7.1 stock firmware PC version for Mecool KM8 P TV Box from here, here or here. If your device comes with Android 6.0, then you can only upgrade to Android 7.1 by flashing it with this firmware.
Download Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.8 from here or download Amlogic Burn_Card_Maker v2.0.2 from here.
Firmware details
Archive: KM8 P 7.1 SD Flash / KM8P-NMF26Q-20170411.213917.V0222
Model: Mecool KM8 P TV Box
Image file size: 642 MB / 573 MB
Platform: Amlogic S912
Image name: / KM8P-NMF26Q-20170411.213917.V0222.img
Inside archive: firmware + dtb.img + factory_update_param.aml + recovery.img
Build number: Amlogic/q20x/q20x:7.1.1/NMF26Q/20170411.213917.V0222:userdebug
HOW TO make upgrading with TF CARD
1. Copy all the 4 files into TF card(format firstŁ©
2. Go to km8 p apps–update
3, Click and choose the zip file, and upgrading
4. Then the box will make upgrading
THE another way way to make upgrading
1. Format TF Card and copy all the 4 files into TF Card, and put the TF into the TF Slot of the box.
2. There is a hole on the front top of the cabinet, find a clipper and press it.
3. Power on box, not release the cliper when you see a robot logo on the tv screen
4. Then take away the clipper and let the box do upgrading.
Caution: Please do not update firmware unless you know what you are doing, you really want it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally have bad results, like bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update process is done entirely at your own risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, back up your data.
is it 2 or 3 gb ram ?
KIM, there is no 3Gb version of KM8P. Only 1Gb and 2Gb. This image fits both.
Thanks, it was awesome firmware, unfortunately network didn’t work , no WiFi ,no Ethernet. I guess different drivers, my box is a generic s912 , ap6330 .
Thanks anyway 🙂
It seems that KM8 P does not have the Reset button and OTG port.
So maybe I cannot use Amlogic USB Burning Tool.
We can use only Amlogic Burn_Card_Maker?
Thanks in advance.
Hi. Kim,
The wifi chip is SCI s9082c for KM8 P. It is not ap6330.
Please watch it at 8:00.
Thanks Raphael , I kinda expected it to be different chipset but I was hoping that at least Ethernet would work ! well I tried ….. 🙂
hi raphael, i have bought an km8p and can confirm you that it has a reset button, its right at the bottom where it is km8 p u would find there is a whole there that is reset button, if u keep it pressed and connect it using usb port the second one to the memory card slot it is recognized on windows as worldcup device that means it can be flashed via that port, i hope this information would be of some help.
The image is working fine, but has no root.
how to root KM8 p ? any suggestion
hello rimidal i have a km8p with 6.0 firmware with root..but is this 7.1.1 formware rooted.?? ppl saying not rooted? true?.. also i downloaded sd card version.. can i upgrade to 7.1 with sd card ?.